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We’ve got answers.



What is Paid?
Answer: Paid is an easy-to-use platform that offers core payroll services at no cost. The platform also delivers premium features to streamline and enhance various aspects of your business, including cash flow savings, revenue growth, employee recruiting, retention, and engagement.
How can Paid offer payroll for free?
Answer: We believe core payroll should be free.

Paid is able to offer free core payroll services due to benefits offered to your business and your employees. Our revenue is generated through optional premium features and services that are complementary to payroll, and that help optimize your business’s success and employee engagement.

When employers and employees are in complete alignment and leveraging premium services for their mutual benefit - payroll can be free.
What size businesses does Paid ideally support?
Answer: Paid is built for small to medium-sized businesses with 10 to 200 employees who are looking for a cost-effective, efficient, and reliable payroll solution.
Are there any fees with Paid?
Answer: There are no fees for Paid's core payroll. Optional premium features and additional services are clearly outlined and priced, with no surprises.
What are the core, free features of Paid?
Answer: Paid offers all essential payroll features, including (but not limited to) direct deposit, employee database, tax filing, compliance tracking, benefits & PTO, and initial W2 & 1099 generation per employee.
Can I process payroll for multiple business locations with Paid?
Answer: Yes, Paid supports payroll processing for multiple business locations and can handle state-specific tax requirements seamlessly.
What premium features does Paid offer?
Paid will soon offer optional premium features within the platform, including just-in-time funding, real-time pay for employees, smarter retention bonuses, flexible pay schedules, and more. Learn more about Paid's premium features.
Setup and Integration
How do I get started with Paid?
Answer: Getting started is simple. Create your account here, follow the setup wizard to configure your account, and once setup is complete you can begin processing payroll from our platform almost immediately.
Security and Compliance
Security and Compliance
How secure is my business and employee data with Paid?
Answer: Security is a top priority for us. We use advanced encryption and secure server environments to ensure that all of your data remains safe and confidential.
Is Paid compliant with federal and state payroll regulations?
Answer: Absolutely. Paid stays up-to-date with all federal and state regulations to ensure that your payroll processing is compliant at all times.
What customer support does Paid offer?

Answer: We offer comprehensive support through various channels including:

Our dedicated team is available to help you with any questions or issues you may encounter.
For Employees
For Employees
What happens if I leave my job?

Can I still use my Paid checking account? 

Absolutely. You will always have personal, private access to your Paid account, which can operate independently of your payroll interactions with your company. 


Are there any fees?

There are no fees for using Paid - NO setup fees, account fees, or annual fees.

What if my employer doesn't use Paid?
If you’re interested in the benefits from Paid and you work for a small business (less than 200 employees) but your employer is not using Paid payroll, you can send them to HelloPaid.com to learn more and sign up. If you know they’re interested, you can email us at help@hellopaid.com and we’ll get them set up with an account personally! 
Is there a mobile app?
We currently have a fully optimized web-browser experience - the mobile app is in the works! We’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready 😛 

Other burning questions?

Paid is a d/b/a of Keep Financial Technologies, Inc. ("Keep").